I first met Gary at Canton Rugby when we were both involved in running mini rugby teams there and we became good friends. Gary, who had played in a number of bands before had decided to go solo and as those were the days before every backing track you wanted being available at a click of a youtube button he came to me for some of his tracks. Gary was one of the first to record and he was a great help in getting Home Brewed Recordings up and running and I’ll always be grateful to him for that.

“I’ve known Kevin for a long time. He made many backing tracks for me, back in the day, some of which I still use. So I wasn’t at all surprised to discover that his recording skills continued along those original professional lines. You can’t help but feeling at home in the studio. Kevin has a uniquely calm and reassuring way of getting you to try different things. Before you know it you’ve hit that note or successfully changed the way you’ve always approached a problematic middle eight. A great experience.”

Gary Dee (September 2015).

  • Gary Dee Slide Pic 3
  • Gary Dee Slide Pic 2
  • Gary Dee Slide Pic 1


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